How to Order
How to Order
The printed version of Sexual Landscapes is available in several locations:
The original hardcover version published by Scribners might be available, used, on (ISBN 0-684-18705-1).
The reissued and corrected* paperback, published by CreateSpace in 2012 (ISBN 1-4783-4724-4), is available:
On the CreateSpace eStore
Via special order at your local bookstore
The electronic version is currently being prepared:
The version in PDF format* (suitable for full-sized tablets such as the iPad) is expected to be available online in October, 2012.
The version in Kindle and eBook format is expected to be available by December, 2012.
If you are a teacher and would like to make one or a few chapters of the book available to your students for a reader or online, please contact the author at Such electronic abridgments are very affordably priced.
* These versions are page-by-page, line-by-line identical to the
original printed version (except for corrections), complete with index.